
This page provides you with the latest news concerning Shinchoku and its industry which can also be found on our LinkedIn page.

Reminder Webinar Sustainable Dashboard

Sustainable Dashboard Webinar

31 January 2025

On January 23rd we had our first Shinchoku webinar. In this short session we explained what dashboards are, and how they can be used in the context of manufacturing sustainability. We looked at dashboards, sustainability indicators, and gathering data for dashboards. In future sessions we will go into the technical details of those.

Afbeelding Sustainable Dashboard

Sustainable Dashboard Progress

7 August 2024

We are working on a sustainability dashboard that we will be able to hook up to any production facility in the near future. By teaming up with the right partners, we will be able to connect this dashboard to old and new equipment, so there will be no need for completely changing around factories to gain sustainability insights.

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Data analytics and sustainability reporting

4 April 2024

Using data from a manufacturing facility and its machines can contribute to the optimisation of manufacturing processes. This in turn contributes to sustainability (e.g. because less resources are used, or because less waste is generated during processes).


An imaginary case

20 septebmer 2023

Imagine you have a huge factory, that uses a lot of material to produce products. The material you use most is wheat. The wheat is delivered in bulk, by boat and transferred to a big warehouse using conveyors.


Excel limits your planning

14 septebmer 2023

In a discussion last week on digitalisation, the question came up what the biggest risk with spreadsheets. Soon, the obvious exemple was on the table: “everybody has their own copy”. That means, when a spreadsheet is made as part of operational work - in a factory, or any workshop - it gets distributed.